Crate tui_big_text

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tui-big-text is a rust crate that renders large pixel text as a Ratatui widget using the glyphs from the font8x8 crate.

Hello World example


cargo add ratatui tui-big-text


Create a BigText widget using BigTextBuilder and pass it to Frame::render_widget to render be rendered. The builder allows you to customize the Style of the widget and the PixelSize of the glyphs. The PixelSize can be used to control how many character cells are used to represent a single pixel of the 8x8 font.


use anyhow::Result;
use ratatui::prelude::*;
use tui_big_text::{BigTextBuilder, PixelSize};

fn render(frame: &mut Frame) -> Result<()> {
    let big_text = BigTextBuilder::default()
    frame.render_widget(big_text, frame.size());

